Sunday, November 27, 2011

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like the Holidays!!

The one thing that can really be irritating about working retail is that Christmas starts in July - now I like the music, the trees, the sparkling everything just as much as the next person, but I need to WAIT 6 months to put up a tree when the ornaments start needless to say, I have been planning my christmas tree for 1/2 a year. This year is ALSO really important to me, as I officially have my first menorah thanks to my parents as a wonderful wedding gift, so that will also go up just in time for Hannukah!

Normally, I like to get the tree up the day after Thanksgiving; however, work came first this year, so I waited until this evening so Kevin and I could be together.

There are a few things that must happen when you put up a Christmas tree/holiday bush/whatever anyone wants to call it. 

1. Always play holiday music in the background - it gets the mood very festive, cheerful, comforting, and exciting.

2. If possible - do it while it is raining/and or snowing outside. Why you might ask? Well, what better way to enjoy bad weather than to have this moment INSIDE!

3. Always start by putting lights on the inside of the tree first. This was something my dad taught me. go all the way down the tree and even back up with lights around the core of the tree - then work your way out to the tips. The tree looks amazing when you do this!

Phase 1 of the tree: lights - complete!
 4. If you own a dog/puppy - make sure to keep them occupied!!!!! We bought ours very very large bones!

Neat ideas to add to your tree
1. Wrap a thick (2 inch) sheer ribbon loosly around the trees - this is a designing tip from my mom, and the tree looks magical with it.

2. Add christmas picks by wrapping the around the core of the tree (I got 50 cent christmas picks at michaels, which look like bundles with birds, berries, and sparkly pinecones, with a long wire at the end. This helps fill in any holes the tree has between the branches.

3. Add your sparkly ornaments first- this includes balls, icicles, snowflakes, whatever you have multiple of.  I used an assortment - I have sparkly acorns which remind me of my mom, sparkly fruit which are decorative bowl fillers that I made into ornaments, I have frosted icicles and snowflakes I got for 2 dollars for a back of 24 each at Walmart, I have regular ornament balls in silver, white and red, as well as my favorite one this year, which is my sparkly bristle bear.

My favorite ornament this year - I love this bear!

4. Add the fun ornaments last - this way they will stick out the most and if you have kids - or even a playful husband, they can put them wherever they want - the tree is fair game!

Oscar and Pluto

There had to be a 49ers ornament on our tree :)

5. Go on a walk and collect real pincones and place them on the interior of the tree, resting on the branches - it gives the tree a woodsy look.

6. Lastly top the tree - I always grew up without a star, my mom would put angels, or her classic doll at the top of the tree, which i guess I take after her for. I found a really beautiful peacock clip this year, that I put on the top. Hopefully you all enjoy the pictures!

 Final Product Images:

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