Friday, October 21, 2011

Haunted Horrors and Graveyards on my day off

In the spirit of this coming holiday, a few of my posts will most definitely be creepy/spooky/halloween related.

Most people when they think of graveyard, the first thought is creepy, dark, scary, decrepid, lonely, sad and ghost. I take a different approach. I find cemetaries to be absolutely beautiful, with foliage you cannot see in most places, tombstones that are over 100-200 years old, carved statues, etc. To me it is like going to a museum... a calm, vacant, relaxing and peaceful museum. I've even contemplated just bringing a camping chair on a cool day like today was and studying. There is no one there to bother me, no screaming from passerbys, children making a fuss, or my dogs. It is an ideal quiet spot. 

I found it odd that someone born in 1858 did not have a death date....or that the death date was covered up.....interesting......

Carvings below a tombstone

Infinite care...I love this...
Today on my day off, I charged the camera, drove to the Oakwood Cemetary in Downtown Montgomery, parked my car in the middle of a gravesite, and walked around for about 2 hours. The images I got were so facinating! I have done this once before and remember seeing infant tombs, tombs of great governers, wealthy families, tombs about to fall apart, open gravesites, broken gravesites, flowers and soft words. Some gravestones were even back in the 1700s! 300 years ago!!

This is a statue of Governor William Calvin Oates

This reminded me of winter....

An angel carving on top of a large tombstone

The weather was amazing being 60 degrees, without a cloud in the sky. It was a perfect opportunity for long sleeves and a scarf. Had I had a mug of hot chocolate it may have been heaven. I have to say I love the cemetary.

I took tons of pictures today! Feel free to take a look and hopefully any of you reading this who do not have a place to get away and relax will take me up on the suggestion of walking through a cemetery and enjoying the beauty of nature, learning the history of people and admiring the monuments of our past..

Just please - stick to daylight hours....
I think this was the craziest thing I saw today - I don't know if that was a spider, or something caught in the web, but the web was thick like rope!

More pictures of the web
I liked the symbols on this gravestone; I am trying to figure out what they mean

Strange nuts on this fern like tree

Close up of the branches and the tree itself side by side

Hidden pathway

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